Sunday, December 23, 2012

64 Krishna for today: Kasturi tilakam
(central detail from the canvas on Srimad Bhagavatham 6.5' x 10' )

On the occasion of Vaikuntha Ekadasi, 24 Dec 2012, the central figure in the painting of Srimad Bhagavatha, Sri Krishna is presented. This is based on these dhyana shlokas. 

1. "Barhapeedam natavaravapu...: Srimad Bhagavatham (10:21:05):
Krishna reveals an exquisite form in the inner eyes of the gopis: He appeared like an actor on stage, adorned with a crest of peacock feathers, Karnikara flowers on his ears, Vyjayanthi maala (a garland of flowers of five different colours) and a golden cloth around his loins.
Krishna fills the holes of the flute with the nectar of his lips and enters Vrindavana, charmed with his footprints. His glory was sung by the cowherd boys.

2. Another meditative description is from the Krishna Karnaamrita of Leela Sukha:
"Kasturi Tilakam Lalaatapatale Vakshasthale Kausthubham...Gopastree pariveshtitho Vijayate Gopala Choodamani."
Krishna is elegantly dressed --  and has a Kasturi (a sweet smelling paste of musk) tilaka on his broad forehead. His wrist has a bracelet, his chest is covered with sandal paste and he wears a string of pearls around his neck and the Kausthubha gem hangs on his bosom.   He holds a flute in his palm.  Closely surrounded by the gopis, he is ever victorious.
To the right is the story of Ambarisha which reveals the significance of the vow of Ekadashi and Kapila's discourse on the Sankhya philosophy to his mother Devahuti. Featured below are Sukha's narration of the Bhagavatha to Parikshit and Bhishma's description of the glorious qualities of god to Yudhistra: The Vishnu Sahasranama. Episodes in the left are: Prahlada charitham, Gajendra moksham, Dhruva charitham, Varaha avatara, Nara and Narayana at Badrinath.

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Srimad Bhagavatham